Sunday 8 April 2012

Easter Temptations

In all my time of being the queen of laziness, Easter Sunday has definitely been one of my most laziest days! Between eating my weight in turkey dinners and creme eggs, a nice long nap and some blog reading, i havent even had a chance to change out of my pyjamas or put makeup on. I feel bad but I'm sure Jesus would understand and forgive me after I worked so so hard last night. ;)

The past 40 days have been long and hard but i managed to keep my lenten promise and didn't buy ANY new clothes, makeup or magazines. For some this might seem like an easy task but for me it proved pretty difficult. I usually turn to shopping when I'm bored or a little down in the dumps which is pretty much every other day.

I'll admit there was quite a few close calls and I very nearly gave into temptation when I seen Boots 3 for 2 offer! I think its definitely a sign i have a problem when my boyfriend literally has to drag me out of a shop before I buy anything! haha The fact I have to walk through Belfast high street to get to college, past all the lovely shops calling me in with their beautiful window displays didnt exactly make it any easier. I also spent countless hours online window shopping, reading reviews and adding to my personal wishlist.. which has grown to a ridiculous length.

I really recommend putting yourself on a shopping ban & stick to it if your feeling the pinch like i was. I saved my wages and was able to pay my rent, pay off some bills and keep myself living without going into my overdraft! But I am going to try and be alot wiser with my next student loan payment so I don't have to take such drastic action. But first off im going to look about booking myself my first ever summer holiday abroad! :)

Happy Easter Little Chickens! x

Im going to keep taking it easy for the rest of the day... run a bath, watch some episodes of Dexter & eat more chocolate. My skin is probably going to hate me even more than it already does, if thats even possible!
Anyways i just wanted to know how everyone else got on with your lenten promises. Did you cave in or did you stay strong?

Now Easter is over, you should expect a massive and i mean CRAZY BIG shopping spree from me..
Just kidding ;)

Happy Easter!

Love Shauna xo

all photographs here were taken by me & copyrighted. Please ask if you wish to use.